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True Edge Computing

Absolute Edge – AI, IoT, Content and Storage

Aii Compute

Acumen Intelligent Infrastructure utilizing minimalist wallet sized PCs that can be combined into one or many virtual machines and placed at the absolute edge.

The low watt, 8th generation i7 CPU, with 32GB of DDR4 RAM and 1TB SSD storage can be stacked and combined into a field area SAN as well as host virtual machines for:

  • Content storage/retrieval
  • Edge applications
  • Local Database searches
  • VMs for local usage
  • Autonomous Vehicle data processing
  • Artificial Intelligence applications


Leveraging legal agreements and licensing, Aii can utilize existing network infrastructure providing access to carrier’s internet access, fiber network and edge infrastructure.

  • Verizon
  • AT&T
  • T-Mobile
  • MSO’s
  • Wholesale fiber providers
Placing higher capacity stacks of BioDigital PCs in carrier infrastructure then extending to individual poles throughout a municipal area with fiber or mmWave, Aii creates a field -based storage area network with tiered capacity and processing power.
By leveraging existing network and infrastructure Aii lowers the capital costs of deployment of an edge system.
Utilizing carrier infrastructure, allows Aii to service purpose-built applications as well as supply the carriers and their customers access to the edge systems. Our cellular customer devices as well as the carrier’s cellular devices can access data without going all the way to the cloud.

IoT Enabler

The dynamic and redundant Aii storage and compute solution can scale to meet any IoT need.

For meter reading applications, solar poles can be used to reach into the areas needed to collect readings, backhauled back to aggregation locations either running solar or powered colocation light poles, all terminating to a cellular small cell or tower-based gateway to be connected to the carrier network and on to the cloud.

LiDAR analytics, Traffic Sensors and controllers, Advertising Signs, dynamic message boards, any IoT system can be serviced in the same manner as the meter method above.

Having not only the storage, but the compute power at the edge allows systems at the edge to manipulate and calculate at the edge, only traversing the network to the cloud when needed.  True Aii Edge distributed compute and storage solutions.

AI Ready

Aii’s Absolute edge systems place the compute and storage processes directly on the pole. This eliminates real estate costs and ensures the lowest possible latency.

AI and systems such as autonomous vehicles need access to data and compute power without the delays and latency found in traversing multiple networks to get to the cloud.  

Aii can extend the cloud to the edge, collect local data and work with the AV’s and AI systems at the edge only traversing the multiple networks when absolutely necessary.

By operating at the edge, AI and AV systems can lower costs by not traversing and clogging the global internet.